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Alex Payne
Aug 28, 20236 min read
Pick-up games, the Warhammer niche, and the need for balance
Let's be honest: right now, 40k is not in a great shape balance wise. With the advent of 10th edition, the state of the indexes is far...
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Alex Payne
Aug 12, 20234 min read
My first miniature - Legolas v Star Wars
Painting as a kid, Airfix and Stormtroopers v Wood Elves I can’t quite remember what miniature was my very first - but It’s between two....
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Alex Payne
Aug 12, 20234 min read
Hobbying in a pandemic: YouTube, dice and quarantine
It’s 2020. The gift of Nurgle was at its height, having shut down much of the western world, and I was very, very bored in my...
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